Goods to Person Calculator | FORTNA

FORTNA goods-to-person
e-Commerce assessment

Improve e-Commerce picking productivity with goods-to-person technologies. Use our assessment tool to calculate potential savings with automation.

Calculate your potential labor savings

e-Commerce demand continues to experience exponential growth, driving the increased need for labor

Labor costs continue to increase, and despite higher wages, companies are finding it a challenge to recruit, train and retain workers. Add to that the measures required to keep workers safe and goods-to-person solutions become an attractive option for companies looking to increase productivity and reduce cost.

A comprehensive business case is comprised of many factors in addition to labor. Take advantage of our goods-to-person e-Commerce assessment to estimate your potential labor savings as part of a broader business case to support investment.

Adjust the entries below to reflect your 10-year labor savings potential by leveraging goods-to-person technologies.

How many FTEs do you currently have dedicated to
e-Commerce or less-than-case picking?


What is your current e-Commerce annual volume in units?


What is your planned annual e-Commerce growth?

% YoY

What is the primary factor driving your consideration of
goods-to-person or automation technologies

What percentage of time do you estimate is devoted to walking (travel) and other non-value add activities?

What is your current annual loaded cost per FTE?

US Dollars

Your Savings Results

By deploying goods-to-person for
e-Commerce, your potential 10-year labor savings could be:

Want to know more about how this estimated number was calculated? We're happy to talk you through it.

Speak with an Expert

10-Year Breakdown

Cumulative projected e-Commerce potential labor savings by year:

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10
Projected eCom Picking Labor (Baseline)
Projected eCom Picking Labor (GtP)
Projected eCom Labor Savings by Year
Cumulative Projected eCom Labor Savings

Looking for Cost Savings and Productivity Improvements?

FORTNA designs and implements a wide array of automation and software solutions to help companies improve operational performance.