Recalibrating the Business in Times of Disruption - FORTNA

Recalibrating the Business in Times of Disruption

When a transformational technology appears, an explosion of disruption follows, as new ways of operating are brought forward by those who have mastered the new technology.

In the 70’s and 80’s, we saw FedEx disrupt package delivery, Cisco disrupt the IT industry, and Southwest disrupt air travel. Walmart initially, then later, Amazon, disrupted the retail sector, leveraging new technologies and business models. History shows a repeating pattern of cycles of mass disruption every few decades. We are in such a cycle now. In times of disruption, you must recalibrate the business.

The COVID-19 crisis created an imperative for companies to reconfigure their operations—and an opportunity to digitally transform them for greater productivity and profitability. Digital transformation is on the radar of every CEO and Board. Automation and intelligent software are helping companies achieve new levels of supply chain/operational efficiency and customer service. Real-time visibility and deployment of advance technologies is crucial to achieving a high-level of speed and accuracy in fulfillment.

FORTNA leverages data science and proprietary modeling tools to help companies leverage advanced technologies to address disruption and drive competitive advantage. Automated robotic solutions have evolved to the point of solving the most complex distribution challenges. Let us help you master the technologies and fine-tune the business for this current wave of disruption by contacting FORTNA at

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Digital Transformation   |   Automation solutions  |   Robotics